Saturday, August 27, 2011

What is the Kundalini? Why is it so significant in life?

At the base of the spinal cord every human being has a powerful, yet dormant source of energy. This source is known as the Muladhar Chakra from which three subtle channels known as Naadis rise up through the spine and reach thew brain. The middle Naadi is known as Sushumna while on its either sides are the Ida and Pingla. At five other centres of highly concentrated energy, called Chakras, along the spinal column, these three Naadis come together and then again divide into three channels as they rise further.
Thus including the Muladhar there are various Chakras in which very powerful energy lies dormant and once they are activated a human gains amazing divine powers like Telepathy, Hypnotism, Clairvoyance. In fact complete success in life in any and every sphere can come only through the activation of all the Chakras and it is with this aim that true Yogis remain engaged in Sadhanas.
But this process can be very intricate and difficult unless one is helped by an enlightened Master who has his own Kundalini fully activated, who is aware of all the processes of activation and who can activate the Kundalini of others. Inside the vertebral column, there are seven lotuses located on the Brahma Nadi. These are known as Chakra (spinal centres). Each lotus possesses different number of petals and also a distinct colour.
Amazing powers devolve on a human on activation of the Kundalini and each Chakra is related to the following attainments. This Chakra is situated in the basal region of the vertebral column at the mid spot between anus and penis. In meditation, this Chakra is visualised as a red lotus possessing four petals. This is the resting place of the Kundalini Shakti, which lies here as a snake having three and half coil. This Chakra is the symbol of Earth element.
Activation of this results in riddance from tensions, true happiness, beauty, perfect health and physical strength, magnetic persona. This Chakra is located in the vertebral column just opposite to the penial region. In meditation, this Chakra is visualised as a vermilion coloured lotus having six petals. This semilunar Chakra is the symbol of Water element.
Activation of this results in freedom from stomach ailments, increase in sex power, and cure of sexual debility, increase in courage and fearlessness and magnetism. Inside the vertebral column, this Chakra is situated just opposite to the naval region. This ten petalled lotus is of blue colour. The Yantra of this Chakra is triangular in shape and it represents the fire element.
Activation of this results in perfect digestion, riddance from ailments like kidney stones, diabetes, liver problems etc. Success in amazing Sadhanas like flying in the air, walking on water, telepathic contact with animals and plants, perfection in Prannayam and the highest achievement is success in Meditation. The relative position of this Chakra inside the vertebral column is just opposite to the cardiac region (heart). This red coloured lotus possesses twelve petals and it represents the Air element. Activation of this Chakra illuminates the entire body and the entire vertebral column starts vibrating.
Activation of this results in peace of mind, boundless divine joy, total freedom from tensions, power to look into future, power of hypnosis, entering into Samadhi (divine trance), riddance from problems related to heart, increase in soft emotions like love, affection and kindness. Inside the vertebral column this Chakra is located opposite the throat region. This lotus of smoky colour possesses sixteen petals and it represents the sky element.
Activation of this results in riddance from all ailments related to throat, thyroid etc., increase in knowledge, gain of power of eloquence, deeper Samadhi, perfection in the art of Hypnotism, gain of power to die when one wills, total material success like comforts, wealth, fame etc. In Brahma Nadi (enclosed by vertebral column) this Chakra is located just opposite the mid spot between the two eyebrows. This white lotus has only two petals.
Also called the Third Eye its activation brings wondrous powers like clairvoyance, telepathy, power of giving curses or blessings, instant fulfillment of anything one wishes, and gain of knowledge related to all subjects and sciences, power to control thoughts of others and interfere even in nature. Beyond these six Chakras at the upper termination of the spinal cord, is the thousand petalled lotus; the abode of Lord Shiva (supreme being). When the Kundalini Shakti unites itself with the supreme being, the aspirant gets engrossed in deep meditation during which he perceives infinite bliss.
This is a subtle centre in the brain. On activation of Sahastraar a very fine, elixir-like secretion is produced from it which permeates the whole body thus making the human forever free of all ailments.
Sahastrar Chakra is also termed as Dasham Dwar of Brahmarandhara. In my view, this Chakra is situated two inches deep inside both the temporal region and three inches deep from the midspot between the eyebrows that is in the middle portion of cerebral hemispheres. From the throat, it is located three inches above the palate and inside the brain it is located in a small hole above the 'Maha Vivar' foramen of cerebrum.
Awakening of Sahastrar renders the aspirant liberated from corporeal bondages and attachments. He is endowed with all kinds of divine attainments including 'Ashta Siddhi' and 'Nava Nidhi'. He becomes an omniscient Yogi. Being emancipated from the cycles of birth and death, he certainly achieves the final beatitude.
One is fully enlightened and can then envision any event going on anywhere in the universe with out entering into Samadhi. All natural elements come under one’s control.
The practice of awakening Kundalini Shakti must be done only under the guidance of a competent Guru. Sometimes when the aspirant practices such exercises only after going through some books, he endangers his own life and there are chances of his becoming insane.
Really, fortunate is the person who attains his divine Guru. That person is fortunate who strives for awakening of the Kundalini Shakti and only that person is called God-illumined who after activating his Kundalini Shakti, gets the totality of life
7. Sahastrar Chakra
6. Aagya Chakra
5. Vishuddha Chakra
4. Anahat Chakra
3. Manipur Chakra
2. Swadhishtthan Chakra
1. Muladhar Chakra

Power of Meditation

Meditation & Relaxation

Meditation And Concentration

When can you rest? When is rest possible?
Rest is only possible, when you have stopped all activities. When you stop moving around, when you stop working, thinking, talking, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting… - when all these activities stop - then you get rest. When you stop all voluntary activities, then, you rest. You are left with just the involuntary activities (breathing, beating of the heart, digestion of the food by the stomach, blood circulation, etc.) – this is sleep.
Sleep gives rest – but is it total rest?
Recollect your own experience, when you did not have deep sleep:
  • There was some restlessness, agitation, or desire
  • The mind was planning, and planning, and planning
  • Your ambitions made you restless
  • You were anxious about doing something: “Oh, I must do this”
In all these instances - your mind was not free.
Only when the mind settles down, meditation happens. Meditation gives total rest and relaxation.

How to be free from desires

As long as some desires linger in your mind, you cannot be in total rest. In the Bhagwad Gita, Lord Krishna says, “You cannot get into yoga (union with the Self), unless you drop the desires and hankerings in you.”

Use discrimination

As long as some desires linger in your mind, you cannot be in total rest. In the Bhagwad Gita, Lord Krishna says, “You cannot get into yoga (union with the Self), unless you drop the desires and hankerings in you.”

Enlarge your desire

Another way is to extend your desire – make it so big! Then too, it won’t bother you. It is the tiny sand particle that irritates your eye – a big stone, a rock, can never get into your eye; it cannot irritate you.

Be dispassionate

As long as you hold on to “doing” something (doer-ship), as long you hold on to some planning ('I want to do this, I want to do this'), your mind does not settle down. Every desire, or ambition, is like a sand particle in your eyes – it irritates. You cannot shut your eyes, nor keep them open. If there is a particle of sand in your eyes – it’s uncomfortable either way.
Dispassion is removing this particle of dust, or sand, from your eye, so that you can open or shut your eyes freely – you can enjoy the world freely, you can relax, and get relief from it.

Dispassion is not apathy

'Oh! Anyway everybody is going to the grave, so what can one do now? This is apathy, not dispassion. There is incompleteness in the state of apathy.
Dispassion is full of enthusiasm and joy! It brings all the joy to your life… and it allows you to rest so well. When you rest well – when you go deep into meditation… and then when you come out of a deep meditation, you become very dynamic - you are able to act better. The deeper you are able to rest, the more dynamic you will be in your activity. Even though deep rest and dynamic activity are opposite values, they are complementary.
From deep rest=> into deep meditation=> out of meditation=> to dynamic action

Learn to let go… and relax

When you learn to let go, you will be joyful… and as you start being joyful, more will be given to you. Those, who have, will be given more - that is meditation.
To fall asleep, you’ve to let go of everything - only then you can rest.
Why not do the same things with respect to activity, moment by moment? At least, when you want to sit for meditation, or during meditation, let go of everything.
The best way to do this is to think or feel: "The world is disappearing, dissolving, dead. I am dead!"
What is that you can hold on to? You cannot even hold on to this body forever! Whatever care you take of it, one day it is still going to bid you goodbye! You will be forcefully evicted from this place - out of this world - with no prior notice! Before the body leaves you, you learn to leave everything. That is freedom.
Meditation is:
  • Letting go of the anger from the past
  • Letting go of the events of the past
  • Letting go of all the planning for the future
  • Accepting this moment
  • Living every moment totally - with depth
Meditation is the art of doing nothing… and the rest in meditation is deeper than the deepest sleep that you can ever have! It is several times deeper, because in sleep, desires still linger somewhere. But in meditation, you transcend all desires. This brings such coolness to the brain! It's like overhauling or servicing the whole body-mind complex.
Let go and see. Just this understanding, and a few days of the continuous practice of meditation - that brings so much relaxation - can change the quality of your life.